Friday, December 3, 2010

Wireless Networking Precautions

When using a wireless internet network (Wi-Fi), it has many advantages for internet users. Wireless networking allows you to be able to work in any room of your home and outside your house, while still being connected to the internet.  Wi-Fi also comes with security issues. If you can pick your Wi-Fi signal from outside your house, that means that others will be able to do the same. Wireless internet users should take some extra precautions to protect their information from being hacked into by others.
The best way to protect our computer when you have Wi-Fi is to make sure that you have an up-to-date antivirus program installed on your computer. Most anti-virus software will automatically scan your computer to check for any possible threats or viruses. By enabling this, you can help prevent any intruders from accessing your computer and installing a virus on it.  Also, if you have the proper software on your computer, you will be able to go places like local coffee shops, hotels, and airports which are hot spots for wireless internet. This means that you can log onto the computer from these places and share the network. Sharing the network means that you may have a greater chance of someone accessing your computer information or sending a virus into your computer. Therefore, you should never put any personal identification on your computer at that time. Do not give your social security number at that time to anybody or order anything online with a credit card while using the public internet.

Strong Passwords (how to create and use them)

Strong passwords are important protections to help you have safer online transactions.  Keys to password strength are length and complexity.  An ideal password is long and has letters, punctuation, symbols, and numbers. Whenever possible, use at least 14 characters or more.  The greater the variety of characters in your password, the better  Use the entire keyboard, not just the letters and characters you use or see most often.  Create a strong password you can remember.  It is important to test your password with a password checker.
Do not let anyone see your password, but write it down.  Do not create a password with any dictionary words in any language because they are vulnerable.  Also, try to avoid abbreviations, personal information, or sequences/repeated characters.  Cyber criminals can use sophisticated tools that can decipher a password.

Internet Parental Control Software

Internet parental control software programs give you the ability to control as well as monitor children's use of the Internet, wherever you are.  Therefore, this enables you to protect your child from the dangers of the Internet.  These programs enable businesses to limit and control their employees access to the Internet and to any programs.  It also helps with integration with popular search engines, block Images and videos sections in popular search engines, and restrict chat and instant messaging. 

Internet parental control software programs manage installed copies remotely from a single computer through local network or internet and enable auto-save for the settings on a web server.  Special web sites and special programs can be lListed with their own timetables and time limits and give you a time restricted programs list. Some internet parental control software programs are iProtectYou, and CyberSieve.

Internet Filters

Internet filters are software tools that help monitor web content viewed on a particular network or computer. Internet filters with family safety settings can help parents manage who kids can communicate with or how long kids can use the computer.  You also can prevent unwanted, explicit content from appearing in your search results.  
Businesses can block websites that they don't want their employees to use at work. Internet filters can warn you about and block you from suspicious websites that might be fraudulent (phishing filters) as well as keep spam out of your inbox.  Some internet filter software programs include Net Nanny, Puresight PC, CYERsitter, and Safe Eyes.

Internet Parental Guidance

The internet can present great risks for children's safety.  Children should be taught how to properly use the internet.  Parents should make sure they spend enough time with them and teach them how to use the computer and Internet, instead of just letting them make dangerous mistakes out of curiosity or ignorance.

Online security involves protection against malicious software that may access the computer while children are browsing the Internet, as well as keeping them safe from harmful strangers and internet abusers who are using it for criminal or immoral purposes.  Therefore, parents should teach their children the basics of Internet browsing privacy.  They need to be explained what they should or should not do online, such as talking to strangers or displaying personal information to others, and to not answer messages holding harmful content. They should be limited to only a few programs.  Setting some browsing options that are safe for the computer and the child is also a smart option.

Digital Image Steganography

The word steganography is originated from the Greek Language meaning “Covered Writing".  Digital Image Steganography is the act of hiding a secret message within a larger one in a way that other people can not recognize the contents of the hidden message. For example, a message might be hidden within an image by changing the least significant bits to be the message bits.  

Steganography is a science that has various useful applications.  It deals with communicating secret data in image, audio, or video files.  It comes under the assumption that if the feature is visible, the focus to attack is apparent.  Therefore the goal is to always conceal the existence of embedded data.  Steganography's ultimate objectives are undetectability, and capacity of the hidden data.  Steganography is used in various useful applications, such as: copyright control of materials, enhancing image search engines and smart IDs.  Similar to any other science, steganography can also be used for bad intentions.

Computer Forensics

Computer forensics is a type of digital forensic science that deals with legal evidence found in digital storage media.  The purpose is to observe, recover, link, and understand info found in computers.  Computer forensics is similar to data recovery, and is associated with the investigation of computer crime and is also used in civil proceedings.  It has been used in many high profile cases as evidence, and also is widely accepted as reliable in the European and United States court systems.
Personal computers developing overtime in history became more accessible to consumers and therefore began to be abused for criminal activity.  Hacking and other frauds became new recognizable computer crimes.  Computer forensics became popular during this time to recover and investigate evidence due to these emerging crimes.  Today, computer forensics helps to investigate crimes such as child pornography, fraud, cyberstalking, rape, and murder.  

Friday, September 24, 2010

HTML: A fun programming language

Amy Markuske
Professor Antoniou
7 September 2010

HTML: A fun programming language

            HTML stand for HyperText Markup Language, which is used to create web pages.  When developing a webpage you use HTML tags.  These are used to format different parts of the webpage.  The HTML tags can enhance paragraphs, heading, lists, tables, and images.
            To use HTML you do not need any special software.  Most people have everything they need, such as an text or HTML editor.  It is easy and simple.  Although, you can download an HTML editor which comes along with benefits.  Adobe Dreamweaver is said to be the best editor to purchase.  A trial version can be downloaded for starters.  If you do not want to spend money on a pricey editor, you can download a free editor.  These include SeaMonkey, Coffee Cup, or TextPad (for windows).  A text editor is sufficient enough to use and most computer already come with one.  Some text editors that can be used to format a webpage with HTML are Notepad (Windows), Simpletext/Text Edit/Text Wrangler (Mac) and Pico(for Linux).
            Another simplicity of creating a webpage is that you do not to be connected to the internet.  When you publish your page is when you will need to be online, which comes later. 
            The best ways of learning how to use HTML can be reading about it and experience.  A combination of both is usually recommended.  Also, learning through others web pages is a good source of learning.  If you go to your favorite page, then look for the “Document Source” command under “View” in the menu, you will be shown a window with the HTML used to create this webpage.  Looking it over and observing the final project of the webpage can easily teach you different HTML tags.  It may seem like a complicated page at first glance, but when noticed is simply a few commands put together.
            The required elements for an HTML document are certain tags.  Basic tags work in pairs, therefore every tag must end in a matching tag to complete the style or command being placed in the webpage.  The ending tag in the pair that match must have a “/” placed to close the tag.  All tags must be inside of “<“ and “>”.  They are not case-sensitive.  A basic HTML document only needs these five tags: <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE> Webpage </TITLE>, </HEAD>, <BODY>( Your body text here), </BODY>, and to close </HTML>. <HTML> indicates that this is a piece of HTML code.  <HEAD> is the first distinct part of your document containing the <TITLE>.
<TITLE> states the title in the header for your webpage.  It is also what will be shown by the browser when someone searches the keywords related to your site.  <BODY> is the second and most important part of your HTML document containing all of the body text.  This can come in six sizes. <H1> changes the size of this piece of body.  There are many other tags, such as tags that will link your page to others, and ones that will decorate your page with images and sounds.  Also, <P> allows for the start of a new paragraph.   To put pictures on a webpage, they must be converted to one of many different digital formats.  Software, such as Adobe Photoshop, can change the picture to the form you prefer to show it as.  The pictures displayed on a page must be used with certain HTML tags to “point” to the picture files that have been uploaded to the server.   The tags placed in a certain format manipulate the picture by a particular viewer.  Pictures can be saved as a GIF or JPEG (most common) file.  The most common tag used to place a picture on a webpage is <IMG SRC=”picture.gif”>.